About Me

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I'm an oncology certified registered nurse, a leukemia survivor, wife, mother and caregiver to my elderly parent. My passion is caring for others and helping them adjust to new cancer diagnoses, advising them about how to live with cancer and how to navigate through the system to get the care they need. Perhaps I will help somebody who stops by to read this page. Helping and healing and hoping you are thriving, Gail Goodell Munzing.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Taking the Plunge

I have thought about this for a year and half. My need to share the things I know. The help I may be able to offer to others. A belief that there is no place like hope.

Before cancer I never considered my everyday thoughts as something I needed to do battle with, rage at, fight for control over, or learn to master. A thought simply "was." I now know that we can alter, we can rein in, we can lead our thoughts to a better place than they may automatically choose to go. We can actually train our everyday thoughts to be our biggest allies and work for us, not against us.

Along the way I've added lots of arrows to my quiver. Bits of information. Shreds of knowledge. Maybe beneficial to somebody out there struggling. Cancer can be lonely. The healthcare world can be scary. Dealing with insurance, frustrating.

So here we go. Probably disorganized. Maybe rambling. No whining. I'll put it out there. If you can use it, please do so.