About Me

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I'm an oncology certified registered nurse, a leukemia survivor, wife, mother and caregiver to my elderly parent. My passion is caring for others and helping them adjust to new cancer diagnoses, advising them about how to live with cancer and how to navigate through the system to get the care they need. Perhaps I will help somebody who stops by to read this page. Helping and healing and hoping you are thriving, Gail Goodell Munzing.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Valentine's Day is Coming - Thank Those Who Care For You

This is the month for telling folks that you love and appreciate them.

Those of you who love and take care of us cancer patients sometimes feel overwhelmed, concerned, angry, lost, or helpless. Much of the time you probably endure the helplessness silently and without complaint.

Please know that we understand this. We recognize and deeply appreciate the incredibly high price you pay for loving us. Every victory we have is yours as much as it is ours. (Like when we get a really good lab report or realize it has been TWO MONTHS since we've needed procrit and neupogen (wooo hoo!) )

It has been said that the greatest gift is to lay down one's life for another. We know that you often choose to sacrifice, to put your lives on hold, set your lives aside while we fight for ours.

From the bottom of our hearts we love you for this!